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Business women now use baby socks for their services as c0nd0m shortage hits the country



Those employed in the world’s oldest profession in Zimbabwe claim they have resorted to using unconventional substitutes, including baby socks, for due to a critical shortage of condoms in several communities.

While the government denies a nationwide shortage, many areas are experiencing significant supply issues, HealthTimes report.

The shortages have hit communities like Epworth, Mutare, Masvingo, Harare, and Seke particularly hard. S3x workers say the problem stems from a mix of factors, including delayed restocking by health facilities, hoarding by some s3x workers, and alleged misappropriation of supplies by healthcare workers.

Precious Musindo, founder of Springs of Life Zimbabwe, a s3x worker-led organization, described the situation as dire. She explained how workers are using baby socks as makeshift female condoms.

“Currently, we are facing a challenge accessing condoms. Supplies are limited, so as s3x workers, we are opting to use newborn baby socks. You fold them, insert them, and they prevent fluids and sperm from reaching the cervix,” Musindo told Health Times.

Musindo explained that once the socks become damp, they are washed and reused. In some areas, such as Komboni Yatsva in Epworth, s3x workers reportedly resort to collecting discarded baby socks from mothers.
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