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Man reveals the interesting sentence his wife made that forced him to marry her the following week



A man has narrated the interesting words his wife told him that forced him to go and see his parents the following day.

Relationships have been one of the major issues in current society as many just engage into it for fun.

However, there are many out there who have a clear plan of getting married to their current partners.

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When the intention is pure with goals dey on marriage, the women especially just can’t wot for that special day.

According to a man identified as Prince Zed on Facebook said his wife approached him jokingly with Marriage proposal.

In a Facebook post, he claim his wife said to him he has eaten her meat for so long and it is time for him to do the needful.

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It was at this point that he realized the need to see her parents the next day and things went well leading to their marriage the next day.

“Guy marry me nah, You don too phuck me” that was the statement from Comfort Ozed after one good early morning knack that year. Me: Tell your people that I’m coming to see them next week.

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Na so I take marry my wife oh.
Girls, please sometimes remind your guy to marry you, sometimes we dey forget. (My True life Story) He wrote.

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