Tiktoker Baddie Kelly’s videos are trending and have it in our channel. The videos of the Togolese U.S.-based nurse and now social media star is currently...
A video of a beautiful lady and her man have been trending on social media platforms. The couple went to the beach to relax themselves and...
A popular America socialite and businessman is being forced to jet out of his hood after a giant win on sports betting. The man who is...
Australia has passed a landmark social media ban for children under 16 years of age in the country. Australian senators have approved groundbreaking legislation that prohibits...
Balthazar Ebang Engonga became an internet sensation following videos of him with her female friends surfacing online. Balthazar was set free and as we reported earlier,...
A man living in Florida is currently in police custody following his arrest for impersonation and fraud. The man known as Jeffrey Arthur Moynihan Jr. was...
Two criminals who are being detained in separate cells have become biological parents of a baby without ever touching each other. The mother of the child,...