A man has experienced some s@d moment in his life and may never forget about it for the rest of his life. The man’s wife have...
A woman has filed for divorce in a bid to gain freedom and separation from her husband. The couple have been married for sometime now and...
A lady has made known her frustration and anger after her boyfriend decided to pay his baby Mama’s rent. Before meeting his current girlfriend, the guy...
A man has been left in a state of confusion after his wife decided to prank him in some unusual manner. The couple were having a...
If Oluwatofarati a Nigerian woman learns that her husband tested their childs DNA she has threatened to leave with the child and file for divorce. She...
A woman has returned home without her wedding ring and her husband just can’t take it. The woman went out and got back home very late....
The woman who received backlash over Christmas-themed photos of her family including her stepchild went viral and broke the silence. As we reported earlier, one single...
A man has experienced something disappointing just two weeks after getting married. Having dated his girlfriend for sometime, the man felt it was the right time...
A man is not happy with his wife’s decision to conduct a DNA on their kids to know their biological father. The woman has been in...
An Indian woman have managed to find herself in trouble with her partner, who ends up calling the police on her. It was reported that the...